First I would like to say welcome to my blog. I have had a few people ask how to subscribe to my blog. If you have not noticed, I have added a subscribe to my blog on the right side. This is great way to get all my post. I am posting everyday except the weekends. This is my time for me to catch up on ideas. If you have not subscribed to my newsletter and it is not popping up for you, email me at I will sign you up and you will receive a free gift for subscribing.
Last week I started Tool of the Week. This week is Wink of Stella. It is a great way to spotlight your project with a little glitter. Best of all no mess! I would love for you to show me your project by posting on my Facebook page. Remember no one makes a perfect card! Here is my Facebook link
I have a card I used Wink of Stella. It is a birthday card. I am hoping you can tell where Wink of Stella was used. Did you guess where I placed it?

I used Wink of Stella on the cupcake’s sprinkle and the cherries. You know we can’t have cupcakes without sprinkles and cherries.. Tomorrow will be another Wink of Stella, but for Easter. Also, if you subscribe to my newsletter there will be another Wink of Stella card. Remember with your subscription to my newsletter you get a free PDF.
On Friday video I referred my new cart which I absolutely love. So I thought I would give you a glimpse at the cart. It is already saving me time.

This drawer holds dimensionals, candy dots, and other embellishments.

There are two drawers for ribbon. It is nice to be able to reach for what you need as you are working.
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